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Video Interview

Technology is once again changing the world as we know it.  From computers that are more powerful than the ones that helped put us on the moon, to social media sites that allow instant communication with people all around the world.  There is no mistake that we have come a long way in the past 50 years, and even more so in the past 15 years, when it comes to technology.  It wasn’t long ago that not everyone had a cell phone.  These days you would be hard pressed to find someone that doesn’t have one. 

One of the cooler advances in technology is something that citizens all over the world have dreamed about for decades which has recently become a reality….video calls.  Since the internet is climbing to break neck speeds while staying affordable, through home networks as well as on your mobile phone and tablets, video calls are becoming commonplace.  This has made allowances that were never there before like professionals having video conference calls from all over the globe.  Or seeing a relative or friend on your computer or phone, while conversing with them, who lives thousands of miles away. 

Besides the ability for companies to have conference calls with video, another way that the professional world is taking advantage of this technology is with interviews.  I would like to point out a few reasons why video interviewing is a must for any corporation or recruitment agency. 

Convenience for everyone involved:  For years, recruitment agencies and corporate recruiters have needed to coordinate a good day and time for the Hiring Manager and candidate to meet for a face to face interview.  This much hasn’t changed, although the process that gets you to that point certainly has.  Usually there is an initial phone screen with a candidate to determine if it is necessary to schedule a face to face interview.  That hasn’t changed much either.  What has changed though is the in-between stage which can be a video interview.  This step allows the recruitment agency, corporate recruiter or Hiring Manager to essentially have a face to face interview over video.  And it allows candidates that are not located in the general area to have face time with the interviewer without having to travel (or spend money on travel expenses) or even miss work.  The video interview can be accomplished on a mobile phone, tablet or computer that has a web cam and a microphone (which most do) from their home, office or even car if necessary (although we don’t recommend the car).  

Saves money and resources:  Since the video interview can basically take place at any time from any place, this allows all people involved to be able to continue working on their day to day duties without putting anything off.  This will save the hiring company money and resources that otherwise would have been compromised.  The candidate does not have to take time off work, losing PTO or wages, and keeps them at less risk from their current employer finding out about the interview.  Hiring Managers can also schedule multiple video interviews throughout the day without having to miss a beat on their normal day to day activities.  In the end, if the video interview doesn’t go well enough to bring that candidate in for a face to face interview, then the only thing lost is a bit of time.  

Better than a phone interview:  One of the downfalls of a phone interview is the fact that the interviewer cannot see how the candidate responds to questions.  Sure, the most important part of questions are typically the answers, but body language and overall demeanor can say a lot of about someone as well.  From the candidate’s perspective the same downfalls exist.  They are just as interested in the interviewer’s body language and demeanor since this is an important career move and they will likely be reporting to them.  The recruiter or staffing agency that is conducting the interview will also feel more confident when presenting a candidate to the Hiring Manager, or client, due to their ability to have already “met” the candidate.  Also when working with a recruitment agency, the client can provide 4 to 5 “knock-out” questions that can be presented to the candidate through a pre-recorded video interview.  This will allow the client to see the candidates, hear their communication style and get a better sense for their experience based on their answers compared to just looking at a resume on a piece of paper.  No more “wondering” if the candidate has the necessary skills needed to be successful in the position. 

In the end, video interviews are the future until the future presents an even better option.  While technology may take away some of the human elements we have grown accustomed to, it is also allowing us to be more efficient in many ways.  If you are a recruitment firm or corporate recruiter, and have not yet used a video interview platform, I suggest you get familiar with it as soon as possible or you’ll will find yourself lagging behind your competitors.

About ARC Group©

ARC Group©, the parent company of Recruitment Intelligence™ , has been a niche front runner in the last 30 years in the full-time, contract and contract-to-hire recruitment and consulting markets.  Attributed to the South Florida, Jacksonville and Minnesota’s Business Journal’s collection of “Top 25 Executive Search & Consulting Firms” we have a countrywide presence, and give service all throughout the US, including Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Minnesota, Chicago and Washington. Learn more at www.ARCGonline.com

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